For Sale – Studebaker 1951 V8 Commander Convertible
Wednesday, December 27, 2023 12:59

Studebaker 1951 v8 Commander Convertible. Factory Right Hand Driveextremely rare Car.

 After extensive inquires, to the best of our knowledge this is the only
known 1951 Factory RHD Commander Convertible in Australia. After completing a 1951 Studebaker Champion Convertible the verydedicated new owner made substantial inquiries when he purchased the ‘1951 Commander’ in the late 1990’s. 

There was very limited information found about it’slife here in Australia. The car was found under a lantana bush in 1980and taken to Rockhampton where, unfortunately little was done fornearly 20 years due to the owner’s health.  A major restoration wasstarted in 2000 and took 3,500 hours to complete as the car was in
poor condition. The rareness of the car was the main inspiration torestore this car. 

Since completion of the restoration in 2003 the car has beenfeatured in magazines in Australia and overseas. The Convertible was chosenin 2012 for the Olympic Athlete’s Brisbane Welcome Home Parade.Because of the car’s rarity, it was restored with originality in mind. Upgradedmodifications were fitted using later model Studebaker larger brakes anda PBR power booster for safety and an 8volt system.RECENT WORK – New high quality convertible top and carpet, New laminatedwindscreen and rubber.  Brake system overhaul.There is a photo record and list of work done for the restoration fromwhen the car was found under a lantana bush in 1980 to the completion ofthe restoration in 2003.When the car is driven to events and displays it attracts an enormousamount of attention. The new owner will not only be very proud of thiscar and they will also be asked many questions from the numerous admirers ofthe spectacular car.


For more information, Shannon’s have a feature on the Studebaker. Please click on link below. Studebaker 1951 V8 Commander ConvertiblePlease Genuine Inquiries Only. Genuine reason for sale as it just doesnot get used enough and appreciated as it should. Shannon’s insurance$110,000. PRICE $98,000.  I am acting for the owners as I restored thecar and have maintained it ever since.

 Please call Gordon 0754966636 Queensland.

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