My Studebaker Hawk was first purchased 1960-61 from Mac Chapman in Melbourne by Jean Henderson, her daughter Jayne Green has written a short history of the car, as below.
Jean traded her 1948 Jaguar ss3.5 litre on the Studebaker Hawk, the car was used for shopping, picking up children and occasionally on driving holidays to Queensland. She stopped driving the car in the mid Seventies due to ill health and the car was not driven for 5 years or so.
 Jean on holiday in Queensland with her Hawk
 Jean with her 1960 Studebaker Hawk
Some work was done on the car in the Eighties by Studebaker Club member Mr Alan Hyde to make it driveable, tyres, brakes etc and I used the car to take Jean out from the Nursing home. She remembered the car with affection. After Jean’s death the car was passed onto Dad, Chas Henderson. It had no Roadworthy at this stage and he rarely drove it as there was no power steering. It did however remain fully registered all the time and was garaged at Mt Eliza under cover. After his death the car became mine and I drove it home to Wandong. A road worthy was obtained in 1998- 99 and I have driven it around the district mainly to Kilmore to keep it in working order. It has travelled around 3,000 miles in 15 years and always started first time even when it had been sitting for months. It has been garaged under cover during this period.
“A great car, much loved and my Mother would be pleased to know that the car will continue to give pleasure as it did for her.”
 1960 Studebaker Hawk – present day
After seeing some great Studebakers, in my teens in Henderson Street, Bulimba I have always wanted to own one, so after many years I finally found the one advertised in Wandong, Victoria, which had been in the same family since new. After agreeing to sell me the Studebaker, I flew down to Melbourne to inspect the car and arrange for transport to Queensland. I have rust proofed and redone some upholstery and with the help of Club Members have been maintaining the car. I have done 1,0000 klms since registering the car in 6th month 2013 and just keeps getting better and giving much pleasure.
Dennis Jewsbury